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- /*
- HideMenuBar.c
- Based on:
- "Code gadgets: Hiding the menu bar", THINKin' CaP, 1(2):28-29, Fall 1990.
- Copyright © 1991 SPLAsh Resources.
- and
- Symantec THINK Reference 2, "How to Hide the MenuBar".
- 2/28/91 dgp added to VideoToolbox
- 8/24/91 dgp Made compatible with THINK C 5.
- 1/25/93 dgp removed obsolete support for THINK C 4.
- 1/25/93 dgp Replaced SysEqu.h by LoMem.h and changed program accordingly.
- 2/23/93 dgp Call CopyQuickDrawGlobals to make sure qd is valid.
- 2/27/93 dgp Edited the code and comments, partly copying from THINK Reference's
- suggestion for how to do this. This was prompted by David Brainard's
- report that these routines were crashing when called within the
- MATLAB environment. The main changes are to also call
- CalcVisBehind() after restoring, and to use DiffRgn
- to restore by cutting the menu bar back out of the desktop
- instead of restoring by copying from a saved copy of the region.
- 3/3/93 dgp Added SquareCorners and RestoreCorners, with support for 1-bit quickdraw.
- 10/8/94 dgp Made compatible with Apple's new Universal Headers and PowerPC.
- */
- #include "VideoToolbox.h"
- //#include <Menus.h>
- #include <LowMem.h>
- #define WindowPeek WindowRef
- #endif
- #else
- #define LMGetMBarHeight() (* (short *) 0x0BAA)
- #define LMSetMBarHeight(MBarHeightValue) ((* (short *) 0x0BAA) = (MBarHeightValue))
- #endif
- static short oldMBarHeight; // Pixel height of the menu bar
- static RgnHandle mBarRgn=NULL; // Region encompassing the menu bar
- static RgnHandle cornerRgn[MAX_SCREENS];
- void HideMenuBar(void)
- {
- Rect r;
- if (LMGetMBarHeight()>0) {
- mBarRgn=NewRgn();
- CopyQuickDrawGlobals(); // Make sure qd is valid
- r=qd.screenBits.bounds;
- r.bottom=r.top+LMGetMBarHeight();
- RectRgn(mBarRgn,&r);
- oldMBarHeight=LMGetMBarHeight();
- LMSetMBarHeight(0);
- UnionRgn(GetGrayRgn(),mBarRgn,GetGrayRgn());
- PaintOne(NULL,mBarRgn);
- CalcVisBehind((WindowPeek)FrontWindow(),mBarRgn);
- }
- }
- void ShowMenuBar(void)
- {
- if(LMGetMBarHeight()==0 && mBarRgn!=NULL){
- LMSetMBarHeight(oldMBarHeight);
- DiffRgn(GetGrayRgn(),mBarRgn,GetGrayRgn());
- DrawMenuBar();
- CalcVisBehind((WindowPeek)FrontWindow(),mBarRgn);
- DisposeRgn(mBarRgn);
- mBarRgn=NULL;
- }
- }
- void SquareCorners(GDHandle device)
- // Extend GrayRgn to include this screen's corners, which otherwise might be rounded off.
- // If device==NULL then applies to all screens.
- {
- int i;
- Rect r;
- long quickDraw;
- Gestalt(gestaltQuickdrawVersion,&quickDraw);
- if(quickDraw<gestalt8BitQD){
- i=0;
- CopyQuickDrawGlobals(); // Make sure qd is valid
- r=qd.screenBits.bounds;
- r.top+=LMGetMBarHeight();
- }else{
- if(device==NULL){
- for(i=0;GetScreenDevice(i)!=NULL;i++)SquareCorners(GetScreenDevice(i));
- return;
- }
- i=GetScreenIndex(device);
- if(i>=MAX_SCREENS)return;
- r=(*device)->gdRect;
- if(device==GetMainDevice())r.top+=LMGetMBarHeight();
- }
- cornerRgn[i]=NewRgn();
- RectRgn(cornerRgn[i],&r);
- DiffRgn(cornerRgn[i],GetGrayRgn(),cornerRgn[i]);
- if(EmptyRgn(cornerRgn[i]))return;
- UnionRgn(GetGrayRgn(),cornerRgn[i],GetGrayRgn());
- PaintBehind((WindowPeek)FrontWindow(),cornerRgn[i]);
- CalcVisBehind((WindowPeek)FrontWindow(),cornerRgn[i]);
- }
- void RestoreCorners(GDHandle device)
- // Restore rounding to this screen.
- // If NULL then applies to all screens.
- {
- int i;
- long quickDraw;
- Gestalt(gestaltQuickdrawVersion,&quickDraw);
- if(quickDraw<gestalt8BitQD){
- i=0;
- }else{
- if(device==NULL){
- for(i=0;GetScreenDevice(i)!=NULL;i++)RestoreCorners(GetScreenDevice(i));
- return;
- }
- i=GetScreenIndex(device);
- if(i>=MAX_SCREENS)return;
- }
- if(cornerRgn[i]!=NULL){
- // CopyQuickDrawGlobals(); // Make sure qd is valid.
- // FillRgn(cornerRgn[i],(ConstPatternParam)&qd.black); // don't know what port it belongs to
- DiffRgn(GetGrayRgn(),cornerRgn[i],GetGrayRgn());
- DisposeRgn(cornerRgn[i]);
- cornerRgn[i]=NULL;
- }
- }
- void UnclipScreen(GDHandle device)
- {
- long quickDraw;
- Gestalt(gestaltQuickdrawVersion,&quickDraw);
- if(quickDraw<gestalt8BitQD || device==GetMainDevice())HideMenuBar();
- SquareCorners(device);
- }
- void RestoreScreenClipping(GDHandle device)
- {
- long quickDraw;
- RestoreCorners(device);
- Gestalt(gestaltQuickdrawVersion,&quickDraw);
- if(quickDraw<gestalt8BitQD || device==GetMainDevice())ShowMenuBar();
- }